Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Holmes & Her Cell Phone

What was the delay last night following the Pledge of Allegiance?

Did anyone else notice it?

As the trustees sat down, the camera shifted to Teresa Holmes. (1:22:29)  Teresa sat down and immediately picked up her cell phone from her desk. Holding it in her lap, she apparently read some message on it. Then she looked briefly at the screen on her tablet and back down at her phone, which she was holding in her lap below the top of the desk.

She continued to read it, ignoring the rest of the board and the public, as they awaited her calling the next item on the agenda. She fumbled trying to drop it in her purse and was further distracted. 

Why didn't the Vice Chair say, "Madam Chair, we are waiting for you"?

Finally, she hit the button on her microphone and the meeting continued.

Board Policy BEDL Board Members and Electronic Communications

"Board members will not communicate electronically during meetings with members of the public, other board members, or school district staff regarding official school board business, agenda items, or other board matters that are properly discussed publicly during board meetings, as such communications are subject to public disclosure under the state open meeting laws. Board members will refrain from such electronic communications during board meetings on both personal and district owned devices. Electronic communication means, but is not limited to, email, tweets, texts, phone calls, web posts, and other similar electronic communication."

What was the nature of her electronic communication that interrupted her attention to board business?

Will she say, "Oh, that was personal and not subject to BEDL"?

Can we believe her?

Should I submit a FOIA Request for her phone usage at that point of the meeting? Why was her phone even out on her desk, after the meeting started?

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