Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Manning barks during setting of board calender

As the board calendar for 2022-2023 got further discussion in the March 22nd board meeting, Trustee Scott asked about the Winter Retreat on the calendar for Friday, February 3, 2023. The superintendent said he did that, because staff works all week and shouldn't have to work on a week-end (or words to that effect).

Trustee Agostini said she is a "planner" and, if a date goes on a calendar, she'd like to have whatever is planned to happen on that date.

Manning felt obliged to get long-winded about people who aren't flexible and won't change plans they might have. A self-employed person who plans meetings and events out into the future may not want to bear the expense and inconvenience of changing business plans that were made months before, just because the board majority wants to change a date. He was taking a direct shot at Trustee Agostini. A back-handed shot, but still a direct shot. He didn't mention her name, although he did later in the meeting.

This exchange can be viewed on the recording (March 22, 2022 meeting), beginning at 1:44:50.

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