Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Nov. 18th board meeting will waste $2,400+

At Item 8.2 on last night's agenda (3/22/2022), first called by Holmes at Item 5.2 ("I need my glasses on"), the school board discussed the 2022-2023 board calendar.  

Trustee Scott questioned the need for a special-called board meeting on Friday, November 18, 2022.

The superintendent stumbled over his explanation of that date on the calendar, first referring to it only as a proposed date. Somebody, whose voice was unintelligible to the audience, prompted him, and he said he remembered. He said it (that date) is tied to the election (November 9th) and "there needs to be a special-called meeting for the purpose of inducting (swearing in) board members". Then he said there would not be time during the upcoming board meeting.


How much time does it take to swear in the four board members who will be elected on November 9th? What? About five minutes? You stand up the four people. "Raise your right hands. Repeat after me." And it's done. "Take your seats."

Why not do it during a Regular Board Meeting, when the public is in attendance?

And, most importantly, why not do it so that the District doesn't waste money on a special-called meeting?

Keep in mind. The District did it incorrectly for ten years, until Trustee McFadden was to be sworn in in November 2020. I had pointed out that the term-of-office for a Trustee did not start until one week after the election was certified - at least, according to that pesky document called State law. For ten years (except one time when the certification was delayed (2012?)), the District had improperly seated trustees before their terms-of-office legally began.

How much does the district pay a trustee to attend a board meeting? $340 per trustee? and $400 to the Chair?

So, the "party" (ceremony), if held at a special-called meeting, will cost taxpayers $340 x 6, plus $400. That's $2040 + $400 = $2440 PLUS staff time? Dumb. Really dumb.

The superintendent's explanation didn't hold any water at all; the bucket had holes it. And the trustees didn't plug the holes. It's not too late; though. The trustees can still save the day later in the year by moving the swearing-in ceremony to November 29th.

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