Saturday, October 8, 2022

Holmes - more campaigning in school

Teresa Holmes has had even more photo opps during her campaign for re-election. 

This post and photo shows her with a Latina in a school, supposedly honoring National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Does anyone else think she is just trying to drum up votes, so that she can survive the upcoming election?

This is clearly campaigning. Note that she misspelled the name of the school district  AND that she wants your vote.

There is every possibility that this will find its way to the State Inspector General and to the S.C. Ethics Commission in the form of a complaint.

Does this show Teresa's flagrant disregard to Board Policy and ethics laws? 

Remember her excuse when she tried to explain away the violation of State law, when she had failed to file her Statement of Economic Interests Report with the S.C. Ethics Commission before taking the oath-of-office? She said nobody told her about the filing requirement. Too bad, so sad. The rules were right on the Ethics Commission website! It was her responsibility to read them and follow them.

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