Saturday, October 8, 2022

Open letter to R2 superintendent re Holmes

The following email has been sent to Supt. Davis regarding Teresa Holmes improper use of a school for political purposes. What action will he take immediately?

Supt. Davis,

I request a written reply to this message.    

I request - demand - that you put a stop to Teresa Holmes' political campaign stops in Richland 2 Schools. It is obvious that she is using her classroom visits for election campaign photo opportunities. It is a last-ditch effort to shore up her campaign and to recover from her chaotic, disastrous term as board chair.

Don't you require trustees to obtain your permission to visit schools? Don't they have to state the purpose of their visit? And remain within that purpose?

This must be against Board Policy. Shouldn't she have her hands at her sides? Does she have written permission from all the students to use their pictures? If any students are minors, isn't parental authorization required?

Further, it must be against ethics laws of the State of South Carolina.

YOU have the authority to prevent such use of schools, classrooms, students and personnel.

Please act immediately on Monday morning to stop this in its tracks!!

Gus Philpott

You might recognize the woman in the picture with Teresa. Isn't that the woman who said on WIS-TV that she was in such fear back on January 25th?


  1. Teresa Holmes replied today to my email to Supt. Davis. She wrote, "Mr. Philpot,
    Real concern for others alluded you long ago. How sad that only you would take a shear act of kindness to such low levels. I will only say, shame on you. It must be hard to wake up each day with hate as your guiding force.
    Dr. Teresa Holmes"

  2. To what "act of kindness" do you think Teresa is referring? Is her political campaign an "act of kindness" in her own mind? Notice also that she can't spell my name correctly and how she doesn't know sheer from shear. She did correct her misspelling of "shear" in a second email 55 minutes later.
