Be sure to view the portion of the April 26, 2022 Board meeting when they attempt to create a Committee for Safety and Security. Go to and pull the timer ribbon forward to 2:01:20.
The Board and the public had just listened to Teresa Holmes struggle to read the Update on Executive Coaching, and then Holmes began to call the same item as the next item, before realizing they had just "done that".
There was no need to ask the superintendent to explain what they were about to do, but Holmes did. The superintendent said that a motion would be needed, a second, and approval. The chair asked for a motion, but then recognized Trustee McFadden, who had questions. Holmes said "we" want everyone's opinion (all the board members) and "we" want the community's opinion(s).
Then trustee-elect McKie made a motion to "implement" the committee. When the Chair asked for a second, Trustee Manning requested recognition. NOTE: The motion had not yet been seconded!
Manning proposed a change in name of the Committee. McKie agreed to the change. McFadden commented. Then McKie spoke without being recognized and tried to explain what Manning meant. WHAT? Lots of discussion, but the Motion still had not been seconded!
When Holmes asked again for a Second, Manning withdrew his request. Manning stated that the motion had been made and seconded, but it had not been seconded!
Then Holmes asked McKie to state the motion, so that the recording secretary would be clear on the motion. McKie restated the motion. Holmes said, "And Mr. Manning has already seconded that." But Manning had not seconded it.
There was more discussion. Trustee Agostini asked who would sit on the committee. Holmes said everyone on the board was invited to sit on the committee. Agostini asked about community involvement. Holmes said, "When we have a meeting here, there is always public participation." Then Holmes proceeded to lecture Trustee. (2:06:20) Agostini asked about the goals of the committee. Holmes interrupted Agostini more than once.
This whole discussion would be a Parliamentarian's nightmare!!! This is exactly what Holmes had just read in the Update on Executive Coaching. Fifteen minutes later it has all been forgotten.
Holmes said the committee would find out what the community would like. Listen to Holmes' snarky and demeaning manner toward Trustee Agostini. Agostini asked if the community would be invited into Executive Session to express their concerns. Holmes asked McKie to respond. BAD MOVE. Who put McKie in charge? This whole thing was a set-up. It was decided before the board ever got to this meeting. Obviously, Holmes, Manning and McKie knew what was going on. At this point Caution-Parker hasn't spoken up.
McKie proceeded with a class in Board Meetings 101 and mentioned that the public can be at any board meeting. Tell us something we don't know!
Trustee McFadden had questions, and Holmes interrupted her. Notice on the screen that Dr. Cheryl. Caution. Parker. has her arms crossed over her chest and has turned her chair around to face away from McFadden and Holmes. Her body language is speaking SO LOUDLY (2:08:51). Holmes says to McFadden, "I'm trying to figure out what the ... (I was ready for "the word") what the hold-up (is)."
After more comments from Trustee McFadden, Holmes called on the superintendent. He said that typically the public won't be at meetings of the Committee of the Whole, but a "resident expert" might be invited in.
When a question is asked of the superintendent, somebody should start a timer. After 2 minutes, ding-ding-ding. If you ask him what time it is, about 20 minutes later you will have heard how the sundial was invented, but you still won't know what time it is.
Trustee McFadden wants the community involved in planning how the community is going to solve the gun-violence problem. Based on the superintendent's explanation, the "community" will not be involved.
The superintendent further explained that the Committee of the Whole could decide to have the community involved and sponsor a forum, which is what Trustee McFadden wants. The purpose of the committee is to come back to the board with a report and not to take action.
McFadden made a few more comments, and then Holmes lectured her further, repeating and repeating and repeating. (NOTE: Holmes had just a few minutes earlier read Liz Ethridge's Executive Coaching suggestion, "Say it one time." Just words. Just meaningless words. But say them over and over.
Trustee Scott (2:21:50) asked a question about the number of allotted meetings of board members.
Then Manning was recognized, but he said by that time he had forgotten what he was going to talk about. But that didn't stop him. Then he remembered that he was going to say that they could meet more than 30 times but could get per diem (i.e., get paid) for more than 30 meetings.
The vote to "implement" a committee was 7-0.
While the voting was in progress, McKie (2:26:20) was recognized by the Chair and made an extraneous and unnecessary comment. Trustee Agostini called a Point-of-Order. Without discussion the Chair allowed McKie to continue. That was WRONG. McKie's comment did not need to interrupt the voting and should have been held until after the voting result was announced.
The next item was called at 2:27:15. WHEW! That took 26 minutes to cover a 2-minute approval. What nonsense!!!